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         True Survivors
Director Larkin's Brief Video Intro

Every blink, every breath, every second, every laugh...
Each is a word in our story
Each story has a begining and an end that we do not decide...
But the part we write with our life is what's exciting
Let us all strive to write all we can.....

         Feeling Stronger Every Day?

Welcome to True Survivors. This space on the web is meant to be an arena of stories by and about survivors of all kinds. Such tales can be interesting or inspirational. Also they can be entertaining with elements of humor. Some stories can be all of those things. Accounts of survival from each story share examples with a wealth of determination, strength, hope & love. As the displayed pics/links show, and all sorts of stories, there is much great testimony & thoughts on life and surviving. Some of these individuals are no longer with us and some did not overcome their situation. However, their spirit that fought hard lives on. Lives on forever.

You can check an entire slew of stories and how you can share one by selecting one of the options above.(and more intro below)

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            Having said all that, let me introduce myself. My name is Larkin and I am the founder/director of True Survivors(see video intro above). The reasons I thought a web collection where stories could be told and shared are many, but chiefly I founded it since I am a survivor myself. In fact a few have asked me why I chose the song 'Feeling Stronger Every Day' for this site. Well, I had a bad injury way back in 1999. My recovery has been a great experience and it still continues. But one thing that aided me were the accounts of others who had overcome similar injuries or diseases or disabilities, etc. All their tales are wonderful testaments to human strength and love. And I believe all survivors are feeling stronger every day...

So check out the stories! And submit your own or one you know of! Additionally there are links to places you can go to find ways to help survivors everywhere.